Bespoke typography and cover design for Volante and Stockholms kvinnohistoriska, 2021.
Bespoke typography and cover design for Volante and Stockholms kvinnohistoriska, 2021.
Glossy cover jacket for Norstedts, 2021.
Glossy cover jacket for Norstedts, 2021.
New design for A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcìa Márquez
New design for A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcìa Márquez
Gold foil in the details of the illustration.
Gold foil in the details of the illustration.
Book cover design, custom typography and illustration for Swedish publishing houses Albert Bonniers Förlag, Bazar, Bonnier Fakta, Bonnierpocket, Forum, Lind & Co, Natur & Kultur, Norstedts, Ordfront,
Polaris, Tranan and Wahlström & Widstrand

New design for Harper Lee's To Kill a Mocking Bird, using a photo by Jack Delano, depicting a street in Childersburg, Alabama during the depression.
New design for Harper Lee's To Kill a Mocking Bird, using a photo by Jack Delano, depicting a street in Childersburg, Alabama during the depression.
Bespoke pattern och the hard cover of the book with chamellias, which is the state flower of Alabama.
Bespoke pattern och the hard cover of the book with chamellias, which is the state flower of Alabama.
Ink on paper for Ordfront förlag, 2015.
Ink on paper for Ordfront förlag, 2015.
Ken Folletts serie i ny design!
Ken Folletts serie i ny design!
Gareth Hague's Noah font, painting by Karin Bros.
Gareth Hague's Noah font, painting by Karin Bros.
Ekerlids förlag, 2020.
Ekerlids förlag, 2020.
Tempera on paper, illustration on the cover.
Tempera on paper, illustration on the cover.
Anglophilia in a book cover, for Ordfront.
Anglophilia in a book cover, for Ordfront.
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